a lifestyle blog

femme de cirque

I have been having so much fun with nail polish this past week. I went from turquoise, to yellow, to hot pink. I've been all over the color spectrum. Vibrant colors are fun, but sometimes it's nice to have your fall-back neutrals. That's why OPI's collection, Femme de Cirque is right on time to tame my colorful tips.

Filled with pretty pinks, whites, and grays, it's the ultimate girly collection. I especially love the color I Juggle Men. No, not just because of the name, but because the light gray color really pops.

OPI never fails to impress me with the names of their different shades. I've loved the little innuendos and catchy phrases since I was little and I got to dabble in my mom's nail polish collection. Speaking of my mother and the circus...my first time under the big top consisted of an elephant sneezing, spewing massive boogers all over my mom. I will never ever forget that moment. I know I will be getting a call after she reads this post, but it's too funny not to share. Sorry, mama.

photo source
Step Right Up, In the Spotlight Pink, So Many Clowns So Little Time, I Juggle Men

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